Stefan Küng wrote:
> G. de Sercey wrote:
> > I've noticed some strange things when trying to revert some changes
> > I've just commited
> > Here is what i do:
> > In the wc I've just commited, I right-click an select
> > TortoiseSVN->Show Log and select the revision I've just commited.
> * do you right-click on a file? a folder? which file? which folder?
The same happens regardless whether I right-click on the top level
folder of the wc, on a subfolder, in white area in the right pane of
explorer, or on a file. All modified files listed are grey, and the
doubling of characters happens.
> * what are the changes you committed? how many files? what are the
> paths of those files?
For this particular revision, it was modifications and additions (see
attached screenshot). Other revisions are just modification.
I commit the whole working copy (which is from trunk/gdslib/ in the
repo). The location of the wc does not seem to matter.
> I really need a specific recipe on how to reproduce this. Otherwise I
> can't fix it.
I wish I could give you a recipe. The behaviour is consistent with this
particular repository, but none of my other repositories show the same.
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Received on Thu Mar 2 08:55:50 2006