> Nick Savoiu wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Assume that I have a number of files that have been modified and I want
>> to commit them. So, I go to Windows Explorer and
>> 1. right-click on the lowest level folder that
>> encompasses all the modified files
>> 2. select SVN Commit and a nice list of
>> all the modified files pops up.
>> I could
>> 3. type in the commit comments, check all
>> the files and press commit
>> But also assume that I don't want to tag all the files with the same
>> comments. Currently the only way I know is to repeat steps 1-3 for the
>> separate clusters of files which can get tedious. Is there a better way?
>> Ideally what I would like is it to commit the separate sets of files
>> while performing steps 1 and 2 only once. Something along the lines of
>> (after steps 1 and 2)
>> 3. double click file to bring up diff viewer
>> 4. inspect changes and think of comments
>> 5. exit diff viewer
>> Repeat 3-5 for all the files that I think are related (might span very
>> different dir trees).
>> 6. select desired file(s) and right-click and select 'Commit with
>> message'
>> 7. up comes a dialog box, I type in the comment, press OK and, tada, I'm
>> back to the usual commit dialog box but with the committed file(s) gone
>> from the list!
>> Any thoughts?
> Already requested.
> http://tortoisesvn.berlios.de/issues/?do=details&id=97
Similar to my request but still tedious. In the mean time I think I came up
with a commit dialog box that would be even better.
| file1 | checkin comment#1 |
| file2 | checkin comment#2 |
| file3 | checkin comment#2 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Repository version | Local View |
| | |
| diff view | diff view |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
The commit dialog box will have an automatically updated diff view at the
bottom (if one's using the built-in diff). Also each file listed would have
a textbox to enter its commit message. The advantages of this dialog box
would be
- easier diff invocation
- fewer dialog boxes that pop up and have to be dismissed
- commit message can be easily copied and pasted
> That said, you seem to be approaching this from the viewpoint of
> committing all your changes once per day. Better practice is to commit
> small groups of changes as you complete them, especially where one file
> contains different logical changes.
This model works well in single/small-group projects. However in large
groups, where each checkin must be preceeded by a full source update from
SVN plus a run of regression tests, one could argue that too frequent
checkins can result in undue delays for other developers.
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Received on Fri Feb 17 14:31:49 2006