Thanks for your answer.
Yes, I am sure that this problem was caused by TSVN upgrade. I had a small
troubles with previous version, so I upgraded to test with latest version. I
also found and deleted libeay32/ssleay32 DLL's from my system32 folder, but
I suppose that my Win2k uses the libraries from the same folder as the EXE
file. I still have the same trouble. Maybe it is connected with the *.p12
certificates. It worked fine with previous TSVN, but now, when I use FileMon
on TortoiseProc, just before the crash, TortoiseProc opens the p12 SSL
> Are you absolutely *sure* that you only upgraded TSVN? Did you maybe
> install some other app in between? Or upgraded another app?
> Make sure you don't have the openSSL dll's inside your Windows or
> Windows\System32 path. If they're there, some other app put them there.
> And if you're on Windows Server 2003, then that's the dll that's used
> (unfortunately).
> A workaround: use the latest nightly. We link OpenSSL statically now for
> exactly that reason (the reason being stupid apps putting dll's where
> they don't belong without putting a version resource in those dlls).
> Stefan
> --
> ___
> oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
> (_,\/ \_/ \ TortoiseSVN
> \ \_/_\_/> The coolest Interface to (Sub)Version Control
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Received on Fri Feb 17 10:16:33 2006