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recursively checkout folder (filtering Trunk)

From: Wim Bekker <Wim_at_vdg-nederland.com>
Date: 2005-12-15 11:51:02 CET


I have a lot of folders in my repository. Per project one Trunk and a
lot of Branches. When I do a complete checkout from the root of the
repository, I also get all Branches. I don't want them, I switch to them
if I need to.

I cannot filter during checkout (would be a nice feature). But I can
checkout only the Trunk. But if I do so, the folders between root and
Trunk are not checked out (they don't get a .svn directory).
e.q.: svn://<ip>/repository/products/security/trunk should also checkout
products and security.

Two questions:
1. Is there a way to checkout only Trunks (all Trunks in subdirectories
from root).
2. When checking out a Trunk, is there a way to checkout the directories
between root and Trunk?


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