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Re: Antw: how to use tsvn with excel & vba

From: Gunter Koenigsmann <Gunter.Koenigsmann_at_semikron.com>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 15:25:02 +0200

Dear Friedrich,

If one would want to add this functionality directly to tsvn I totally
agree with you: A versioning system that alters the contents of files by
default can be an extremely bad idea. For example there is never a way
to guarantee that a .docx file will really be from word and therefore a
zipfile you can re-pack without damaging the data it contains and for a
system that is optimized on the security of the user's data one failure
would be one failure too much. This functionality also might not be a
task one would expect a versioning system to contain. But if anybody
would write a post-commit hook that recompresses word (and openoffice
files that aren't in the uncompressed .fodt format, that is) files
instead of writing a plug-in that stores the versioning information in
separate files - I would know somebody that would actually use it: This
task has about the right shape that it feels right to let a third-party
plug-in that is unrelated to the actual versioning system (but
automatically called by the versioning system) do it.

Kind regards,


Gunter Königsmann

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