I've been thinking about gathering usage data for TSVN. If we had such
data, for example about how many times a command is used, we could find
out which commands are rarely used and which ones are used the most.
What server type is used (http(s), svn, svn+ssh, ...), and maybe even
how many users are using which version of TSVN.
That data then would get 'uploaded' to my Google Analytics account.
Using events[1], we could set a value for each statistics so we can
gather the data for a while and only upload it e.g. once a week.
To avoid issues with users, here's how I thought this should work:
* TSVN gathers the data automatically, saves it in a file in
* with the check for updates (the one that checks whether a new version
of TSVN is available), a dialog pops up asking the user whether TSVN is
allowed to send the data. The dialog shows the data that is sent in a
text control like this:
and the dialog would have four buttons
[Send][always send][not now][never send]
* the dialog also explains why we want the data, that we don't use it
for anything else, ...
* if [Send] or [always send] is clicked, the data is sent to Google
* if [not now] is clicked, the dialog is shown again in a week. if
[never send] is clicked, the data is never sent and the dialog is also
never shown again.
* would that cause users to get angry and make them think of TSVN as
* would you personally send the data or not? If not, why?
* if you're in a company, would your company policy allow sending the data?
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
(_,\/ \_/ \ TortoiseSVN
\ \_/_\_/> The coolest Interface to (Sub)Version Control
/_/ \_\ http://tortoisesvn.net
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Received on 2011-09-14 21:25:36 CEST