On 2011-04-02 09:17, Stefan Küng wrote:
> On 02.04.2011 00:53, Garfield Yao wrote:
>> The problem with those chars is that they don't have a fixed width,
>> they're wider than the other chars. TMerge depends on fixed width fonts
>> where all chars have the same width.
>> Changing that would require a major rewrite, and would also make TMerge
>> a *lot* slower than it is now.
>> But the interesting thing is that EOL characters are showed in right
>> position.
> Yes, because that is drawn after the text is rendered. Rendering the
> text is done correctly and returns the position of where the rendering
> stopped, so that position is known.
> But rendering text is slow, and doing that every time we need a position
> of a char would be way too slow.
You need it only for some lines.
1. where is cursor - to place cursor on right place
2. where block start
3. where block end
In fact you don't need to render text char by char you just need to ask
where char ends. You you cut line after char you are interested in and
get rendered size. Then place cursor, block start/ end.
I mask some block using right/left arrows and shift and line fancy moved.
> Stefan
Oto BREZINA, Printflow s.r.o., EU
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Received on 2011-04-02 10:16:29 CEST