>>> The log dialog has two date selection controls at the top left. These
>>> are today only used to filter the currently loaded log data. I would
>>> expect the "From" controller to automatically load earlier logs if a
>>> early date is chosen, similar to the svn log command with -r
>>> {somedate}:{otherdate}.
> You can already fetch a date range: click the arrow on the "show all"
> button and enter an svn date there.
I know. That's the way I'm used to doing it. But after getting a question about it I realised that it is more logical to be able to use the date controls to expand how many logs that are shown, not only filter them. Especially in the light of how the command line client works with dates.
> As for fetching missing entries with the filter date controls, that will
> take a lot of work and won't happen anytime soon.
I suspected as much. And I guess that there is no way to gray out unavaliable choices in the date selector, instead of making a click do nothing?
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Received on 2009-12-15 08:54:02 CET