Am 24.03.2008 19:35, Stefan Küng schrieb:
> The download page also has the Subversion binaries:
Sorry for misunderstanding me. I just wondered, the there is no note
about CollabNet's support/compatibility for their NetBeans partnership.
> If you install the svn.exe, then NetBeans will use the new svn client
> and be compatible with the working copies.
I think, there must be a reason why this compatibility is not mentioned
in NetBeans FAQ. I feel better by waiting for an answer from NetBeans or
CollabNet's side. But anyway thanks for forcing me to give it a try.
> But this would also drive users away: such dialogs are *annoying* -
> most people don't care about that because they only use one svn client.
... but this could be managed by a "Don't show this warning any more"
check box.
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