Ulf Zibis wrote:
>> Yes, TSVN doesn't use svn.exe at all.
>> But you could install the Subversion binaries version 1.5.0-beta1 and
>> then have your netbeans IDE use those instead:
>> http://merge-tracking.open.collab.net/
> Very much thanks for this interesting link. Unfortunately it's only
> talking about eclipse client plug-in.
The download page also has the Subversion binaries:
> From where get the sureness, that I can use the Subversion binaries
> version 1.5.0-beta1 with the NetBeans IDE?
> There is no information about that:
> http://subversion.netbeans.org/faq/index.html#q5
> http://netbeans.open.collab.net/
If you install the svn.exe, then NetBeans will use the new svn client
and be compatible with the working copies.
>>> Conclusion:
>>> Please show a BIG warning dialogue BEFORE TortoiseSVN starts
>>> upgrading parts of the WC to a new version, with the hint, that only
>>> 'reading' commands are harmless, and give a choice to abort.
>> Such a warning is not really possible. Because TSVN doesn't know
>> beforehand if a command would update the format or not - it depends on
>> the command parameters and the server/repository.
> So IMO subversion libraries should report/return this warning. Don't them?
> However, TSVN could give a warning about *possible* working copy
> incompatibility problems on every command, which *possibly* upgrades the
> WC after verifying the format of the current WC.
> In worst case on all commands.
> This would avoid users from the mess I had.
But this would also drive users away: such dialogs are *annoying* - most
people don't care about that because they only use one svn client.
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
(_,\/ \_/ \ TortoiseSVN
\ \_/_\_/> The coolest Interface to (Sub)Version Control
/_/ \_\ http://tortoisesvn.net
Received on 2008-03-24 19:36:51 CET