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Re: SVNCopy - The coolest tool for moving and syncing WCs!

From: <mjohnston_at_austar.com.au>
Date: 2006-07-25 01:51:40 CEST

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                    Thomas | To|
                    Hruska | dev@tortoisesvn.tigris.org |
                    <thruska@cu| cc|
                    biclesoft.c| |
                    om> | Subject|
                    25/07/2006 | Re: SVNCopy - The coolest tool|
                    01:57 AM | for moving and syncing WCs! |
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                            .ti| |
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                            s.o| |
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I only get "pissed off" at people who claim that I don't know how to
program, yet, at the same time, those same people have never actually
seen any of my code. Mark now has the opportunity to re-evaluate his
claim by looking at the code to SVNCopy - if he still thinks I don't
know how to program and can back up the claim, then I'll re-evaluate my
position (and fix whatever is wrong in the code).

Thomas Hruska
CubicleSoft President
Ph: 517-803-4197
Safe C++ Design Principles (First Edition)
Learn how to write memory leak-free, secure,
portable, and user-friendly software.
Learn more and view a sample chapter:
I never said that you didn't know how to code, I only implied you are an
unknown quantity, that seemed to have  something you are willing to trust
with your critical data built and tested in a very short amount of time. I
have no interest in looking at your code or even your application,
TortoiseSVN, AnkhSVN and Subversion fills our needs perfectly (So happy I
have not had to open VSS for almost a year now). If anybody on our team
here started using a program like yours in our production enviroment with
the background of analysis, specification, build, testing that your app
seems to have had, I would ring their neck. It has taken a great deal of
time for applications like TortoiseSVN, AnkhSVN and Subversion itself to
get to the comfortable state they are in today. For the people who have
been in the whole Subversion world for so long telling you what you are
doing is rolling dice playing with fate, then I am sure you will not insult
them and come to them for help if something should fall over.
Mark Johnston
IT Systems Development
Austar Communications Pty Ltd
w: http://www.austar.com.au
e: mjohnston@austar.com.au
p: 61 7 5560 6806
m: 61 417 726 718
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Received on Tue Jul 25 01:51:57 2006

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