True, you are an user too, however I meant that "wish" and "like" are
very person-dependant and as such, there is no way everyone be made
happy cause a conflicting ideas for implementations. And in such a case,
your vision has a much higher priority and what is "minor" and "major"
you decide too.
Stefan Küng wrote:
> Flex wrote:
> [snip]
>> 1. What Stefan likes
>> 2. What most of the users want (critical)
>> 3. What most of the users want (optional)
>> 4. (highly optional) What a single user wants
> Just to make this clear: I'm a user too. And I really, really hate it
> if people assume that I don't know what a user wants just because I'm
> also a developer. I have to hear that from my boss all the time
> already, even though my suggestions all prove later to be really what
> users wanted (because that's what they use instead of the horrible
> approach my boss wants).
> Stefan
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Received on Thu Apr 13 14:34:32 2006