Thomas Hruska wrote:
> Stefan Küng wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The 1.3.0 release isn't that long away anymore. So I started wondering
>> if we should try to get a working 64-bit version of TSVN to be
>> included in the official 1.3.0 release.
>> I've already got OpenSSL successfully compiled for x64.
> The last time I checked, OpenSSL 64-bit (0.9.8 series) STILL didn't have
> assembler optimizations. Without the assembler optimizations, 32-bit
> builds with assembler support will run circles around the 64-bit builds
> even on a 64-bit platform (when assembler support is added back in, then
> the story will be quite different). So, yes, OpenSSL 64-bit CAN be
> built, the question is whether or not to actually do it. Here's the
> relevant text from the INSTALL.W64 file:
> "Caveat lector
> -------------
> As of moment of this writing Win64 support is classified "initial"
> for the following reasons.
> - No assembler modules are engaged upon initial 0.9.8 release."
I've read that too. But with a good optimizing compiler, there won't be
much of a speed reduction without assembler.
What do you mean with "run circles"? And why should 32-bit builds even
try to load *our* openssl dll? The dll is in our own install dir, and
that's the only place it belongs (read the openssl docs: they clearly
state that you must not put it in Windows or System32 or the Win64
equivalent of these dirs).
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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Received on Mon Dec 19 21:59:31 2005