Stefan Küng wrote:
>So Subversion 1.3.0RC4 is out, which means the 1.3.0 release isn't
>that far away anymore. It's time to think about the next TSVN release.
>My plan (subject to change, please comment!):
>* get the cache to a state where Peter is ok with it (hmmm - maybe
>we'd have to make the release earlier, people might get angry if we
>don't release for another two years ;)
>* change the build to use VS.NET2005 (that also means that people
>using the free VC-Express can build TortoiseBlame, SubWCRev, ResText,
>... without any problems)
>* Maybe even get it to build for 64-bit
>Then, when Subversion 1.3.0 gets released:
>* create a branch from trunk, named "1.3.x".
>* release an RC1 from that branch
>* wait a week to give people time to test RC1
>* fix bugs found in RC1, merge them back to 1.3.x
>* if fixedbugsinRC > 3 OR peoplerequestinganotherRC goto -3
>* release 1.3.0
>Keep working on trunk, implementing new features. But 1.3.x releases
>will be made from the 1.3.x branch, not from trunk anymore. And they
>will *only contain bugfixes*, no new features or other changes.
Looks very sensible por moi.
And judging from today's improvement the cache is pretty close so I
wouldn't even suggest it as show stopper for 1.3 any more.
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Received on Wed Nov 30 12:28:27 2005