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Bug or User Interface Fault? Temporary file names used in "Compare Revisions"

From: Alf Lacis <Alf.Lacis_at_aiscientific.com>
Date: 2005-10-27 04:45:05 CEST

Dear TortoiseSVN Engineers,

This is not a software "bug", but it *is* a fault in the design of the

It's impossible to tell from the temporary file names used in "Compare
Revisions" which is the newer file, or even which revisions they actually

If you have several 'diffs' opened on the screen, it's really easy to lose
track, not only of the revisions, but even which files they refer to!

From Repository Browser:

Repository Browser | R.H.C. | Show Log | <'Select' two Revisions> | R.H.C.
| Compare Revisions

You get two files to compare (I left out the directory paths):

At least the file names should reflect what versions you are looking at.

By looking at the numbers above, which is newer?

(email me if you think you know the answer!)

The files' names should contain the revision, as well as the original file
name: something like:

They are already in a 'temporary' directory ("C:\temp\" in my case), so
you don't really need the ".tmp" part of the filename. And what on earth
is the ".i" for?
Alf Lacis
Software and Design Engineer
A.i. Scientific Pty Ltd
10-22 Hornibrook Esplanade
Ph: (+617 or 07) 3105 5087
"As a person goes through primary & secondary schools, university and the
rest of life, that person is told and learns a series of increasingly
subtler lies about the world. For example: "A stork brought you." "You came from your mummy's tummy." "Your mother
and father made love and your mother gave birth to you." "23 of your
father's chromosomes combined with 23 of your mother's, and through
mitosis and differentiation, you grew through embryo, foetus, baby,
infant, child, through puberty to adult." Each of these is a more-and-more accurate version of the truth, but still
a lie. The trick is to know how close you are to the 'truth'."
-- Alf Lacis, ~2002

A thesis can be seen as a single idea. The idea contains a form of
incompleteness that gives rise to the antithesis, a conflicting idea. A
third point of view, a synthesis, arises from this conflict. It overcomes
the conflict by reconciling the truths contained in the thesis and
antithesis at a higher level. The synthesis is a new thesis. It
generates a new antithesis, and the process continues until truth is more
closely approached.
-- from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831)

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
-- Arthur C. Clarke. "Technology and the Future": Report on Planet Three. 1972

"There are, it has been said, two types of people in the world. There are
those who, when presented with a glass that is exactly half full, say:
this glass is half full. And then there are those who say: this glass is
half empty.
The world belongs, however, to those who can look at the glass and say: "What's up with
this glass? Excuse me? Excuse me? This is my glass? I don't think so. My glass was full! And it was a bigger glass!"
And at the other end of the bar the world is full of the other type of
person, who has a broken glass, or a glass that has been carefully knocked
over (usually by one of the people calling for a larger glass), or who had
no glass at all, because they were at the back of the crowd and had failed
to catch the barman's eye."
-- Terry Pratchett "The Truth"

"Everyone's thinking these days. I think there's a good deal too much of
this thinking, that's what I think. We never thought about thinking when
I was a lad. We'd never get anything done if we thought first."
-- Terry Pratchett "The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents"

"More of the ambassadors from other countries had arrived at the
university, and more heads of the Guilds were pouring in, and every single
one of them wanted to be involved in the decision-making process without
necessarily going through the intelligence-using process first."
-- Terry Pratchett "The Last Hero"

"I have no use for people who have learned the limits of the possible."
-- ibid

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Received on Thu Oct 27 08:56:28 2005

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