>The list of modules is (almost) useless for me. What I need is a stack
>trace of the crash. The single crash location isn't enough either,
>because that's inside the c-runtime lib and not in TSVN's code.
I also recently reported a crash and had no response .... probably coz
there's not enough info to help debug the problem.
I know you don't want to enable the crash handler in the shell
extension, because you'll also be sent unrelated reports from
explorer.exe. But what if we:
* Only set the TSVN exception handler whilst running TSVN code.
i.e. install it at the start of the shell methods and install the
old handler at the end.
* Try to filter out non TSVN crashes if they occur within this
windows (ideas below).
I've recently added some exception handling to an application of ours
.... and I'm wondering whether there's a way to enable the error
reporter and conditionally send the error report only if the error
occurred in tortoisesvn.dll?? There's an example of getting the
module name where the crash occurred in GetModBase() in StackTrace.cpp.
Using this it should be possible to change the
"CustomUnhandledExceptionFilter" to only generate the error report if
the exception was raised in the TSVN dll.
If this is all a bit messy/risky. Would it be possible to have a hidden
registry setting to enable crash handling in the shell extension ....
and then only power users who want to help can turn this on if their
experiencing crashes.
Received on Wed Aug 3 13:43:20 2005