Performing a "Show Log" on a file displays a list of revisions in the
"Log Messages" window. If I select "Show Differences as Unified Diff"
(on the right-mouse-button-menu), my default text editor launches
(PHPEdit) with the error message "File '' cannot be opened for reading".
Tested with latest stable 1.1.7 tortoise and the 1.2.0 3551 snapshot.
First I thought it had something with timing to do that PHPEdit tried to
open the file before it was created but then I closed PHPEdit and tried
again and PHPEdit is quite slow at startup and I got the same error
message so it is not that. If I set the Unified Diff Viewer to External
and notepad.exe it works. Is this a problem with PHPEdit or with
Tortoise SVN? Not that I really care about this problem personally but I
thought maybe it might affect other people who wish to use some other
software to view the unified diffs.
David Nordenberg
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Received on Mon May 30 16:09:27 2005