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Re[2]: [TSVN] Spanish translation... done! (almost)

From: Fernando P. Nájera Cano <tortoisesvn_at_fernandonajera.com>
Date: 2005-05-29 17:28:47 CEST


>> I'll try to check the translation -- specially help file against
>> actual texts and accelerator keys, I didn't care too much about
>> them.

S> The accelerator keys aren't really that important. They just should
S> be on a char which somehow represents the word/entry so the user
S> can easily recognize it.

I know, but they would look totally inconsistent :( Also, I'm sure
there are windows in which the same accelerator is used twice or
more... I don't normally use them so I usually don't care...

>> I've had serious problems with "Yours" and "Theirs" in
>> TortoiseMerge context, as my translation uses a non-familiar 2nd
>> person for "you" ("tu" --> "usted") and thus we use the same word
>> "suyo" for yours and theirs. (I think it is similar to "Sie" in
>> German?). I'll review the whole translation to see if it fits.

S> "Yours" and "Theirs" in TortoiseMerge refers to the file changed by
S> either you yourself (Yours) or someone else else (Theirs - they
S> changed it, not me).

Yes, I know this too. But the problem is that in Spanish I have to
translate them using more words ("el de ellos", "el suyo" or "el de
usted"). I'll see if current translation is clear enough.

S> Just moderated the mail to patches through. As soon as it arrives,
S> I'll commit your changes and then start an RC3 build.

Great! Let me know where can I find that RC3 and I'll finish my tests
using it.

BTW, there are some windows which should be redesigned. For example,
in 1.1.x, (I haven't tested any 1.2.x yet) the button for "Show Log"
seems too small for Spanish "Mostrar Registro" which is 8 chars
longer. I don't know if there is enough time to fix it, but if there
is, I'll try to reach most windows and tell you my findings. And yes,
I know, I should have tell you before, but I always forget...

Best regards,

Fernando Nájera

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Received on Sun May 29 17:29:18 2005

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