Simon Large wrote:
>Hi folks,
>I am just starting a description of the locking UI for the docs, and I
>have a couple of GUI queries.
>1. Should 'Get lock' be followed by '...' as there is a log entry dialog
>2. Stealing and breaking locks seems too easy.
>The option to steal a lock is offered immediately. Should it appear only
>after an attempt to get a lock normally has failed, ie. Dialog stays
>open and 'Steal lock' is enabled for a second attempt? I know it will
>waste time if you already _know_ you need to steal a lock, but how often
>does that happen? The same could apply to 'Break lock', where it only
>appears in the context menu after a 'Release lock' has failed.
If you envision a dialog like "Can not lock file x, it's already locked
by someone else", then perhapes
add a checkbox or button with a text like "Override existing lock..."
followed by maybe by a dialog
warning or text in the dialog like "Do not override an existing lock
unless you really know what it means".
That would stow it away far enough, but still let the entry level user
explore the features in a safe way.
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Received on Tue Apr 26 23:53:06 2005