Rainer Müller wrote:
> Lohoff, Ansgar wrote:
>>The problem occurred first, after I moved a file under version control to
>>another directory (right-click-drag-drop and choose "move files in
>>subversion to here") and then tried to move it again.
>>Again moving this file by right-clicking does not provide the "move files in
>>subversion to here" option in the context menu. Only "Subversion export
>>here" shows up.
>>If one chooses that option, a folder with the name of the moved file is
> Sorry for my previous mail. You are absolutely right. I answered too
> fast without trying it for myself.
I just wanted to push this issue a bit on top again because I think
nobody else tried to reproduce that after my mail... Sorry.
Maybe somebody (like Molle ;-)) could file an issue on this because it
definitely limits moving/copying because we don't have "Move/Copy To..."
in the context menus.
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Received on Wed Apr 6 22:12:00 2005