On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 21:49:12 +1100, Peter McNab <mcnab_p@melbpc.org.au> wrote:
> I'm going to be a bit provocative here so the tone of question/statement
> is not to be take too seriously.
> I really do appreciate the ease of use of svn via TortoiseSVN and the
> way Stephan nails fixes so developers please don't take offense at the
> following. It's devil's advocate stuff as if written by an old bloke who
> has difficulty learning new tricks.
New tricks? Yuck! ;)
> I'm a bit befuddled here, what the heck is regex? When does it com into
> play in the revision generation cycle.
As a user of TSVN, you won't even have to deal with regexes at all!
> Is it an assumption that all users will need to fluent in regex to
> effectively use TSVN then the current simplicity seems to have just been
> blown out of the water.
No. You don't need to know regex to use TSVN. This whole regex thing
we're discussing about is used internally. I'm only asking for help so
I can include the regex strings in TSVN so users don't have to do
that. TSVN will ship with all the regex strings already included.
So what are regexes used in TSVN for:
- connecting TSVN with issue trackers. Since most issue trackers
already use regexes to parse the log message for certain strings (e.g.
'issue #456') you can use the same string in TSVN too. That's nothing
a normal user will ever do him/herself but leave it to the one setting
up the repository server and the pre-commit hook.
- parsing the files shown in the commit dialog for certain words (e.g.
class-, method-, function- and property names) which are then used by
TSVN to provide autocompletion (like it does now with the filenames).
This is the feature this whole discussion is about now: I want people
familliar with regex and other filetypes/languages to provide me with
the regex strings needed to extract those 'keywords'. Once I have
those regex strings, I add them to the 'autolist.txt' file which TSVN
uses, and the installer will make sure that this file is present on
every users computer. The user won't have to edit that file at all (of
course they can if the really want to).
You see, right now we have regex strings to extract 'keywords' for the
autocompletion only for C/C++ files, but others are coming in (e.g.
VB6, VB, C#, Perl, Python, java, ...).
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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Received on Thu Feb 17 12:53:51 2005