Lübbe Onken wrote:
>Hi Folks,
>My first go at a delphi Regex:
>(NOCASE) .pas = (\w+)\s+=\s+(class)|(procedure|function|property)\s+(\w+)
>Returns all class definitions with the procdedure, function and properties
>of the class from the definition block, but captures the functions and
>procedures from the implementation part as well, thus returning duplicates.
>I'm no regex adept, so please review this.
>- Lübbe
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I'm going to be a bit provocative here so the tone of question/statement
is not to be take too seriously.
I really do appreciate the ease of use of svn via TortoiseSVN and the
way Stephan nails fixes so developers please don't take offense at the
following. It's devil's advocate stuff as if written by an old bloke who
has difficulty learning new tricks.
I'm a bit befuddled here, what the heck is regex? When does it com into
play in the revision generation cycle.
Is it an assumption that all users will need to fluent in regex to
effectively use TSVN then the current simplicity seems to have just been
blown out of the water.
I might have > 30 years software experience but shorthand geek speak
like "(\w+)\s+=\s+(class)" is something I have strenuously avoided and
would not be thrusting on my colleagues.
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Received on Thu Feb 17 11:49:53 2005