At 12:46 21/01/2005 +0000, you wrote:
>Regarding it running as a service: Could it act like some indexing
>services and let us specify a few directory roots where svn working copies
>are, and whilst the system is idle, it could troll those directories
>building up status information in advance and then if monitoring
>directories for changes somehow, it may work well.
Yes, it could do that. (It doesn't need to be a 'service' to do this, though).
The way the recursive status works in the version I have here, the
recursion is done lazily after you go to a folder, so (in theory) it
doesn't impact on browsing around, though you don't get the proper
recursive status icons immediately, which would be an advantage of
pre-loading it.)
>Regarding the named pipe: Perhaps TSVN shell extension could be modified
>to ask for either individual files, or all files in a given directory so
>to display overlays, it just passes the directory name (or maybe evey
>filename in that directory) in one go and waits for the return call from
>the cache.
That would obviously reduce the pipe overhead (whatever that is, I suspect
it's trivial), but the problem is that the shell doesn't give any hints
when it asks for a file as to whether or not it's going to ask for any more.
Of course, the shell extension could make assumptions about asking for more
and ask the cache for a bigger set, but that's *much* harder to get right
than one might think at a glance, and the cache is doing it anyway, so
you've effectively duplicated a load of code (and probably a load of bugs)
>That would hopefully minimise the number of calls it would have to make as
>sending one large block of data would hopefully be quicker.
It would, but whether it would be usefully quicker I'm not sure yet.
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Received on Fri Jan 21 14:11:26 2005