Will Dean wrote:
> When I get this a bit more together, I shall also be looking for some
> "people with enquiring minds" to try it out.
This all sounds interesting. We can't use recursive overlays because we
have the boost headers under subversion and dragged in to each project
which has a few thousand files accross quite a few directories in it so
this could be a good test case for it.
Regarding it running as a service: Could it act like some indexing
services and let us specify a few directory roots where svn working
copies are, and whilst the system is idle, it could troll those
directories building up status information in advance and then if
monitoring directories for changes somehow, it may work well.
Regarding the named pipe: Perhaps TSVN shell extension could be
modified to ask for either individual files, or all files in a given
directory so to display overlays, it just passes the directory name (or
maybe evey filename in that directory) in one go and waits for the
return call from the cache. That would hopefully minimise the number of
calls it would have to make as sending one large block of data would
hopefully be quicker.
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Received on Fri Jan 21 13:50:36 2005