> Installed nightly again and created a REG_DWORD FolderOverlay with
> value 0. The slow performance is back again :( I have to say folder status
> is indeed displaying overlay at a normal rate now, but files at a max rate
> of like 5/s.
> /Nicke
More observations. First time I enter a folder with 621 items (2 folders)
it slowly begins to display the overlay icons while explorer.exe uses all
available CPU. If I wait the minute or two it takes and then clicks away
in another folder, then back again, the overlay still is slow, but
explorer.exe stops using all CPU as soon as enough overlays have been
written to cover the part that I'm viewing. If I scroll down a couple of
screens I have to wait for it to catch up with me, but again it stops
after having written the last visible overlay. Maybe that's giving a
pointer to where in the code this might be?
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Received on Mon Dec 13 16:49:14 2004