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Re: [TSVN] Repo Browser

From: Atanas Raykov <nasko_at_unixsol.org>
Date: 2004-09-08 10:20:58 CEST

Another thing. I tried that Ctrl+F5 feature and it's pretty neat (tho is takes a lot of time of large projects),
but there's a bug :-) . I have several empty directories that don't lose their + when you hit Ctrl+F5. If you
try to expand them however, TortoiseSVN fetches again the listing of that empty directory, even that you have
already hit Ctrl+F5. Just look at my directory structure down. You can see that the build directory is empty, but
it doesn't loose it's '+' when you fetch the subtree with Ctrl+F5.

Next thing. Today I fetched a file from one of my older revision using the repository browser (right click/save as)
and I found another little bug ;-) . I'll use my own tree to try to explain that. My repository looks like this:
- svn://hostname/
    + bin
    - engine
        - application
        + data
        + math
        + resourcemanager

and so on. Let's say that I select the application folder and I hit the revision in the upper-right corner,
so that I can get a directory listing for Application in... let's say revision 10 (the file i'm trying to download
is Application.cpp, that was added in revision 1, but I have rewritten it several times). After TortoiseSVN fetches
the directory listing for Application, my directory view looks like this:
- svn://hostname/
    - engine
        + application
I can click on the +, so that I can expand the application folder, but I cannot expand the same way my engine folder
and I have to refresh them (with Ctrl+F5, F5 or right click/refresh) so that I can see their contents. I think the
problem here is actually the same that Simon Large describes:

>If I want to see all of Myproject, it seems natural to collapse and
>re-expand Myproject, but that shows only trunk again. This might be a
>time-saving measure, but if I collapse and expand the root folder it can
>only be because I want to see the rest, can't it?

Probably it's in the control you use for repository browser. It assumes that if there are any entries in a directory,
then it's fetch, and there are no more, and if there arent - then it's not fetch and you must fetch it from the server.

Ow, and could you add Refresh Subtree in the right click menu?

I'm using TortoiseSVN and I can't check right now are these present in the latest revision.

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Received on Sat Sep 11 20:17:07 2004

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