Maarten | AI wrote:
> But can I do this from inside the repository? I've combined the apache
> documentroot with a subversion working copy. Processes like webalizer for
> generating statistics are always updating the files in the working copy. I
> want to ignore these files from within the repository, so that my client
> working copy and document root working copy on the server will not
> constantly download these files if I do an update.
I'm not sure what you want to do here. But files which already _are_ in
the repository can't be ignored anymore since they're versioned. The
"add to ignore list" simply sets the svn:ignore property for those files.
Ignored files in Subversion means that they won't show up when fetching
the status. But it only works for unversioned files, because once
they're versioned they _have_ a subversioned status.
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Received on Sat Jul 24 11:51:21 2004