I'm an old commandline user, familiar with the linux svn client
and somewhat familiar with the microsoft visual c++ ide,
trying to come up to speed on Eclipse.
(I'm using Indigo Service Release 1, Build id: 20110916-0149,
downloaded straight from eclipse.org, on ubuntu 11.10.)
(An example of how difficult the transition is:
in Windows, one double-clicks on a .prj or .sln file to open the ide
on an existing project on disk;
in Eclipse, the equivalent operation is
- File / Import / General / Existing Projects Into Workspace /
navigate to directory containing .project
This took me a long, long time to figure out, even with google;
the menus seem impenetrable and misleading. But then,
so did Visual C++'s IDE when I first used it 15 years ago.)
The project I'm working on uses a dozen or so individually-checked-out
projects. It's particularly painful to check out using the GUI,
so I wrote a shell script to automate checkout using the commandline svn client,
and am trying to open the project with eclipse such that
eclipse recognizes that it's under svn's control.
Googling finds e.g.
which says one should be able to right click on the project
and do Team / Share / SVN, in spite of that option sounding
like it wants to do scary things.
I had to try it four times before it worked, and one of the problems
might be a subclipse bug:
1) subclipse not installed, and I didn't notice for a while! (That's
how daft I am. OK, got that from the marketplace. Took ages, see my
previous message.)
2) javahl not installed, causing fatal dialog. Fixed with "sudo
apt-get install libsvnclientadapter-java".
3) This try was interesting - Team / Share / SVN warned me that the
project already had .svn directories which this opeartion would
destroy! On a hunch, I closed eclipse and opened it again.
4) Fourth try Just Worked.
Has anybody else seen that transient "warning, this will destroy your
.svn folders" warning?
I haven't checked to see how reproducible it is yet.
- Dan
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Received on 2011-11-10 18:49:04 CET