Hello Subclipse!
We develop a plugin (Saros) which imports from
org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter. In 1.6.12 it was sufficient to
add the plug-in dependency org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.core, which
in turn depends on the plug-in org.tigris.subversion.clientadapter,
which exports the package org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter. This
ceased to work with 1.6.13.
When I open org.tigris.subversion.clientadapter in the plugin manifest
editor, Eclipse finds everything and says that
org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter is exported, see attached screenshot.
I noticed that with 1.6.12, the clientadapter would show up in the
Package Explorer under Plugin Dependencies as
org.tigris.subversion.clientadapter_1.6.12.jar, but with 1.6.13 there's
nothing. This might have to do with the fact that Eclipse installs the
clientadapter in the plugin folder not as a JAR anymore, but unpacks it
into a folder instead now. You can see the path in the screenshot.
Apparently, the automatic plugin deps resolver can't handle folders.
I tested this with both 3.5.1 and 3.6.0, same result. I'm pretty sure
this changed from 1.6.12 to 1.6.13. Would it be possible to undo this
extraction to a folder for org.tigris.subversion.clientadapter? Why is
it unpacked in the first place? Is there another solution?
Best regards
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Received on 2010-08-05 15:30:42 CEST