Sometimes (not always) when importing a branch of
our (18,764 file) project into Eclipse, Eclipse will appear to lock up for ~45 minutes on the
fastest of machines (3Ghz Core 2, Velociraptor HD, 4GB RAM, Vista 32 Bit).
I was able to attach a profiler to Eclipse, and
found that the problem is within the Subclipse plugin. I have the yourkit snapshot file available which will let you see the full stack
The problem starts as soon as Eclipse is opened, or when I "Import Existing Project Into Workspace". The first Subclipse call is subclipse.core.resourceListeners.RevertResourceManager.resourceChanged(). A
single event here kicks off the LocalResource.getStatus() and
LocalFolder.getStatus(), each of which result in RecursiveStatusUpdateStrategy
being applied.
I haven't looked through the Subclipse source code
in detail, so I don't know a solution, but the problem is somewhat intermittent,
so it seems there should be a solution.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
For now, I think I’m going to have to uninstall
Justin Michel
Principal Software Engineer
Object Computing Inc.
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