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[Subclipse-users] Subclipse contribution desired -- fragment projects for language packs

From: Mark Phippard <markphip_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 15:50:39 -0400

Something I have been wanting to do and just have not found the time,
is to setup new plugin fragments that contain translations. These
could then be hosted on our update site and optionally installed. The
recent contribution of a German translation by Jens Seidel has
increased my desire to do this:


Does anyone have the desire to take this on? I think it is probably a
fairly easy task, but I also think it is worth it for someone to take
the time to do some basic testing that it works properly with and
without the fragment installed.

I think we should start with a single plugin fragment for core and ui
packaged as a "Language Pack" feature. These fragments could just
contain all of the translations in them. As opposed to one set of
fragment and feature per language.

Of course the existing translations should be moved to these
fragements as well. If you are interested in doing this, please
respond to the list so that we do not have multiple people doing it.
I'd then suggest filing an issue and attaching the new projects as a
zip file to the issue. I can then commit them after a review.

So to be clear, you do not have to do any actual translation work as
part of this task, just setup and test the new projects and fragments
we would need.

Mark Phippard
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Received on 2008-05-27 21:50:53 CEST

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