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[Subclipse-users] 2 questions : auto-props, and password caching

From: Benoit <bcampedel_at_hotmail.com>
Date: 2006-09-24 23:21:53 CEST


I'm new to subclipse, and I've been playing with it this evening.
I have two questions :

1 - is there a way to add the same repository twice, with different
users ? (or simply change the user when committing)
When I first add my repository, it asks for my login and password,
and I'm forced to save this information.
Then, I couldn't find a way to use another user for some operations.
Since I'm managing a repository for many users, I need, from time to
time, to connect with their logins to make some tests.
I'd like to avoid using the terminal.

2 - is there a way to save auto-props features for keywords 'inside'
the Eclipse project ? This is possible with CVS.
I'd like this feature, to be able to specify the 'rules' for some
common files (*.java *.c) and make sure people working on the same
project don't forget to add the keywords properties. It's currently
possible, with templates, to make sure the keywords are inserted in
the new files they create. But it seems they need to manually say,
for each file, what keywords to manage. Since they may be using
different computers, with different accounts, the solution provided
by .subversion in home directory is not adequate.

Any help on these two items ?
If it's not possible at this time, i'd be happy to know if someone
else had the same need.
And if so, what workaround are you using ? (if any)

Again, i'm new to SVN and this list, so I apologize if this topic has
already been discussed, or if it's trivial.

Thanks !

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Received on Sun Sep 24 23:26:34 2006

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