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[Subclipse-users] Icon badge color

From: Carl Manaster <carl.manaster_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2006-09-02 19:40:40 CEST


This is a very minor cosmetic issue, but I noticed it and I know you
can't do anything about it if nobody has called it to your attention.
I checked the bug list for "icon" and got no results, so evidently
it's new.

The issue is this: the repository badge for a file that is in synch
with the repository, the yellowish cylinder, is approximately the same
color as the "yield sign" badge that Eclipse puts on code files with
compiler warnings. I'm used to glancing up at my Package Explorer to
make a quick check that all my code is clean, and when I'm using
subclipse that isn't effective any more because all my files look like
they have warnings unless I look closely. So I'd appreciate it if you
would change the badge color. Obviously red is out; maybe blue would
be good? Thanks.

--Carl Manaster

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Received on Sat Sep 2 20:10:36 2006

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