I just need some simple functions such as checkout.But there are so many classes and functions that I'm confussed as a beginner.
There is my code below.But it dosen't work and throws exception.
String type = JhlClientAdapterFactory.getPreferredSVNClientType();
System.out.println("Using "+type+" factory");
ISVNClientAdapter svnClient = JhlClientAdapterFactory.createSVNClient(type);
org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.SVNClientException: Javahl client adapter is not available
I hava downloaded the source of subclipse1.0.1 and added svnjavahl.jar,svnClientAdapter.jar... into eclipse as libraries.
I didn't change the structrue of souce.
I know that JhlClientAdapter is relevant to the *.dll files and structrue of souce is below:
I really don't know what's wrong with the problem?
For help,thanks!
Received on Tue May 9 10:12:38 2006