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RE: [Subclipse-users] New feature? Link affected paths to diffs / workspace

From: Irving, Dave <dave.irving_at_logicacmg.com>
Date: 2006-04-21 13:18:10 CEST

Well, I finally got some free time and started to play around with the
subclipse UI code.
As a first step, one thing we'd find really useful here is to be able to
click on an affected file in the history viewer, and then open -- its --

So, I could do this:

1) Open whole project in resource history
2) Pick a revision of interest from the list
3) This brings up the list of affected paths
4) I then double click on an affected path, and the history view changes
to show the history for that path.

I played with HistoryView, and managed to get this to work no problems
(there is already a ShowHistoryAction - so it was just a case of hooking
it up with the changePathsViewer).

I have two questions though....

1) Is such a change likely to be accepted in to the subclipse project?
If so, I can put in a right-click menu to access this on the
changePathsViewer instead of a double click (as currently I've just
replaced the open on double click action)

2) Now I can go from history to history, it would be nice to be able to
navigate (i.e, "forward" and "back"). This would mean I could do steps
1..4 above, but then hit a "back" button on the history viewer to take
me to the previous history I was viewing. Im happy to start working out
how to do this myself - but any tips on where I -- should -- be storing
this state (previous resource shown in view) would be appreciated!

Many thanks,


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Received on Fri Apr 21 13:18:40 2006

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