I upgraded yesterday from 0.9.108 to 1.0 and I've got problems with the
SVN Repository Exploring perspective. I added a new repository and
checked out some projects. After closing Eclipse and coming back into
this perspective, I now see a repository for each project that I checked
out and NOT the one I rooted at the base repository that I added. I
added it back, it disappears after restart of eclipse. A repository for
each project, rooted at its trunk level, remains. Also, I delete an
older repository entry and it comes back after a restart. Here is what
I'm doing:
in SVN Repository Explorer
register http://subversion/svn/ccap
-http://subversion/svn/ccap appears
svn co http://subversion/svn/ccap/BBE/trunk/BBEApp
-BBEApp project appears in Java perspective
fine so far
restart Eclipse
in SVN Repository Explorer
http://subversion/svn/ccap is missing
http://subversion/svn/ccap/BBE/trunk/BBEApp appears in the list of
delete http://localhost/svn/ccap
-http://localhost/svn/ccap is gone
restart Eclipse
in SVN Repository Explorer
http://localhost/svn/ccap is back
!!Update!!: Before sending this I checked one more thing - this is a
problems with rights (I'm running Eclipse on Linux). All of the above
works normally if I run Eclipse as root. Did something change with
where Subclipse writes its settings? Could my Subclipse settings be
hosed from the previous version? And the one question that is not
answered by rights is: why does
http://subversion/svn/ccap/BBE/trunk/BBEApp appear in the list of
repositories? is this new? I can see where some might find this useful
but it just seems like duplication to me if I've already got the root of
the repository in the list.
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Received on Thu Apr 13 15:56:06 2006