Jörg von Frantzius <joerg.von.frantzius@artnology.com> wrote on 12/02/2005
09:04:12 AM:
> currently the command line client adapter is only partly implemented,
and its
> use is discouraged (see e.g. issues 433 and 434). This should be
> somehow in the Subclipe preferences page, or this feature should be
disabled completely.
> That said, I find this a bit of a pity as I'm having problems both with
> JavaSVN and JavaHL when used from within Subclipse, and I don't see
> problems when I manually use svn from the command line (so I was hoping
to get
> around them by using command line svn from within Subclipse).
Getting a "Working copy not locked." message does not mean you have a
problem with JavaHL. JavaHL and the CommandLine both use the same
Subversion libraries. If you can get the JavaHL library to load, which
you can, then that is as good as it gets. You need to explore more what
is causing you to get the error message. Just because some command works
from the command line does not mean that everything would work.
Also, you have never said anything about what happens when you use
JavaSVN. Given that JavaHL and JavaSVN are completely different
codebases, if something you are doing produces an error in both of them,
then it is more likely that there is something else going on that you are
not telling us.
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Received on Sat Dec 3 01:22:47 2005