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Re: SSH windows

From: Mark Phippard <MarkP_at_softlanding.com>
Date: 2005-09-26 14:57:29 CEST

steve@szabos.com wrote on 09/26/2005 08:43:42 AM:

> I'm using Eclipse 3.1 with Subclipse SSH+SVN on Windows 2000 and seeing
one or
> two blank windows pop up each time I do an SVN operation. The tasks
also seem
> significantly slower than CVS, which is hosted at the same server.
> Is that supposed to happen? I'm wondering what is the most efficient
way to us
> SVN with my Linux OS accounts. As long as the password is encrypted, I
am open
> to switching to other protocols/methods.

You are probably seeing your SSH client being activated. There are a few
of ways to handle it.

1) Start Eclipse from a console session. This will then serve as a
console for your SSH connection and you will not get any popups. You will
also be able to see output from your SSH client.

2) Use TortoisePlink or another Windows-based version of your SSH client.

3) Finally, you can also switch from JavaHL to JavaSVN as your client
adapter. It has better SSH support and uses a pure Java SSH client. If
you want to go that route, I would suggest you read this as it will make
it easier:



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Received on Mon Sep 26 22:57:29 2005

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