On Sun, Sep 11, 2005 at 11:19:04PM +0100, Russel Winder wrote:
> Alex,
> Thanks for the prompt response, this is much appreciated. And
> everything now works so it is good news!
> On Sun, 2005-09-11 at 20:27 +0200, Alexander Kitaev wrote:
> > Read this to get information on how to configure svn+ssh with private key
> > authentication - http://tmate.org/svn/kb/user-guide-config-settings.html
> I tried:
> /opt/eclipse-3.1/eclipse -vmargs
> -Djavasvn.ssh2.key=/home/users/russel/.ssh/id_dsa
> and although it printed out:
> Failed to load JavaHL Library.
> These are the errors that were encountered:
> no libsvnjavahl-1 in java.library.path
> no svnjavahl-1 in java.library.path
> no svnjavahl in java.library.path
> java.library.path
> = /usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/jre/lib/i386/client:/usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/jre/lib/i386:/usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/jre/../lib/i386:/home/users/russel/build/lib
> it actually worked as it should, i.e. I didn't have to specify the
> username and passphrase -- those seemed to be correctly picked up from
> ssh-agent as it was before. So this get's me up and running fine.
> Which is good :-)
How exactly did you get this to work? I am running Eclipse on Debian
Stable and I can't get it to work with the ssh-agent. I have emailed
the list previously trying to find out what is wrong, but it wasn't
until last night that I figured out what was going on:
- If I specify no JavaSVN arguments, then I get prompted for the
- If I enter neither the username or the password, then I get
"Authentication Cancelled" with no evidence of a connection to the
- If I enter only the user name, then I get "Authentication Cancelled"
after a connection to the server, with the auth.log showing "bad
- If I enter both the user name and the password, it works as expected.
Of course, I want this to work with keys and not passwords.
- If I specify only the path to the private key (either in the
~/.eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_3.1.0/configuration/config.ini file or
on the command line), then I get "Authentication Cancelled" without
any evidence of a connection to the server.
- If I specify both the path to the key and the passphrase (either in
the file or on the command line), then it works and the auth.log on
the server shows "Accepted public key."
I would really like to know how to get this working with ssh-agent, as
every other application that needs access to the ssh keys works fine
with ssh-agent. Particularly, I am uncomfortable with leaving my
passphrase specified in the configuration file. I also certainly don't
want to specify it on the command line, as anyone logged into the
machine when I have done that can run a `ps aux` and see my passprase.
I am not sure if this anything to do with it, but I use keychain to
handle my ssh-agent and gpg-agent. So, access to the ssh-agent is via
the environment variables SSH_AGENT_PID and SSH_AUTH_SOCK. Also, on my
system, ssh-agent is not a parent of any of the processes of my login
session. That is, my pstree looks like this:
ssh-agent (rooted by itself)
sh --> WindowMaker --> WindowMaker --> elcipse --> eclipse
|-> firefox-bin
|-> gnome-terminal
|-> (various WMaker dockapps)
Any ideas?
Maybe it would be possible to get future versions of Subclipse to check
for and honor the SSH_AGENT_PID and SSH_AUTH_SOCK environement
Roberto C. Sanchez
- application/pgp-signature attachment: stored
Received on Tue Sep 13 23:16:09 2005