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Subclipse on Eclipse 2.x / WSAD 5.x

From: Gino Filicetti <gino_at_filicetti.net>
Date: 2005-08-22 17:43:04 CEST

Hey guys,

I've got an historical question to ask... why was support for Eclipse
2.x dropped from the latest Subclipse and last supported only in
Subclipse ?

The reason I ask is that I think the dropping of support for E2.x is
very unfortunate indeed. Some of us out here are stuck using WSAD 5.x
and I'm feeling that I might not be able to get widespread use of
Subversion in my organization now because the Eclipse plugin doesn't
have as many features as the CVS plugin.

I didn't think there were such fundamental changes made to the Team
infrastructure from E2.x to E3.x as to make it impossible to support
Subclipse's current feature set as an E2.x plugin. I'm guessing there
just wasn't anyone willing to maintain a seperate plugin. :-(

If anyone has advice on what I can do to best use Subversion/Subclipse
in my WSAD 5.x/E2.x environment I'd really appreciate it. I'm trying
to engineer a migration away from CVS but you know how these things
go, you have to show the decision makers some real value, and
unfortunately, I don't think the basic value of using Subversion over
CVS is going to win them over if they have to give up the synchronize

I'll still try to give it a go and see if they can be convinced, I'd
appreciate any suggestions.

Received on Tue Aug 23 01:43:04 2005

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