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RE: .classpath and .project?

From: Greg Irvine <greg.irvine_at_thalesatm.com>
Date: 2005-05-12 02:22:07 CEST

This is a choice thing. Personally, we include all of these files for each
project in the repository so everyone who wants to work on a project gets
all the required setup information as soon as they check out the project.

We also commit our .launch files.

We use classpath variables (Window -> Prefs -> Java -> Build Path ->
Classpath Variables) and string substitution (Window -> Prefs -> Debug ->
String Sub) so no paths are hardcoded within the .classpath and launch

This all works really well for us. Hope it helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bjørn T Johansen [mailto:btj@havleik.no]
Sent: Thursday, 12 May 2005 8:55 AM
To: users@subclipse.tigris.org
Subject: .classpath and .project?

I have just started using Eclipse with Subversion and I see that these two
files are not
included when I put my Eclipse project into svn. And there is more .xxx
files and I was
just wondering; shouldn't these be added to svn also? Or is this files I
don't really need?



Bjørn T Johansen
Someone wrote:
"I understand that if you play a Windows CD backwards you hear strange
Satanic messages"
To which someone replied:
"It's even worse than that; play it forwards and it installs Windows"
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Received on Thu May 12 10:22:07 2005

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