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Re: subclipse not recognizing managed project FIXED (Was: [ANN] JavaSVN v0.8.8 - broke my working copies?)

From: Mark Phippard <MarkP_at_softlanding.com>
Date: 2005-04-22 01:56:19 CEST

I think this is a Subversion issue when absolute paths are specified, which
is what GUI's like Subclipse and TortoiseSVN typically do.

The issue with Subclipse is that we get the base portion of that path from
Eclipse and it gives us whatever you typed in to it. So if it does not
match the case it fails.

Given that Windows is not case sensitive, I am not 100% certain why this
happens, but it could be something like Subversion generating some kind of
hash based on the path string, and then it not matching if the case is
different at all.

Can you enter an issue in the issue tracker for this with the details?
Maybe there is a way we could get the path from the OS instead of Eclipse
and then get the right case?


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Received on Fri Apr 22 09:56:19 2005

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