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RE: Re: Using Subclipse with svn+ssh:// on Windows (with plink)

From: Haiges, Sven, Vodafone Group R&D <Sven.Haiges_at_vodafone.com>
Date: 2005-04-15 09:18:22 CEST

Hi Dan, all,

thanx for your help so far. I added the -2, so it now is

plink -2 -l username etc.

Unfortunately, it still does not workd. I can see a putty / windows cmd
window popping up (as it was before, with username/password), but then
nothink happens.

It is interesting: If I try plink on the cmd line, (I have to add the
server address after the command then, but that's clear), it works. So
somehow I think subclipse adds the information about the svn repository
path maybe at the wrong place or...?

Do you use sublcipse with plink and the svn+ssh:// protocoll? Are there
any other options for plinks?


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan North [mailto:dan@tastapod.com]
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 9:09 AM
To: users@subclipse.tigris.org
Subject: Re: Using Subclipse with svn+ssh:// on Windows (with plink)

Hi Sven.

Two things:

Firstly, plink uses ssh protocol 1 (the deprecated, buggy one) by
default, so your command should be "plink -2 ..." to force protocol 2
(and enable your ssh2 key). Secondly, you should take a look at pageant,

which is the putty ssh key agent. You run it at startup, type in your
passphrase and then whenever a plink or putty session requires the key,
it talks directly to pageant. (It also gives you a taskbar icon for
launching putty sessions.) This is a huge time saver - it means you can
protect your private key file and not have to type in your password all
the time.


Haiges, Sven, Vodafone Group R&D wrote:

>Hi there,
>we got subversion running on a server and are only allowed to connect
>via svn+ssh://. It is all set up correctly, TortoiseSVN works great but
>I would like to use subclipse directrly from Eclipse.
>I set the SVN_SSH environment variable to
>plink -l username -i "path to my putty private key file" -A
>but it does not work. I previously used password authentication, e.g.
>username -p password and it worked great.
>Do you have any ideas how we can get it working with public/private key
>authentication? Does anyonle of you connect to a subersion server via
>svn+ssh:// on a Windows client with Ecliipse and Subclipse?
>Any help is appreciated,
>thanx, Sven
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Received on Fri Apr 15 17:18:22 2005

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