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Re: Subclipse on OS X

From: George K. Thiruvathukal <gkt_at_cs.luc.edu>
Date: 2004-05-24 03:25:15 CEST

I have actually figured out that the project can be loaded in Eclipse
and then switch to the Plug-in perspective.

What I still don't know is the steps to go through to actually deploy
the plug-in. Your help to clarify this would be appreciated.


George K. Thiruvathukal wrote:

> Cédric (or McClain),
> Can you explain at a high level what steps are required to build
> Subclipse M8? I cannot seem to find any working notes anywhere. It is
> apparent to me that there may be some tool required to build the
> plug-in besides Ant. Is there something else I need to download from
> Eclipse.org besides Eclipse itself?
> I have successfully checked out the code and need to know how to
> proceed from there.
> Thanks.
> George
> Cédric Chabanois wrote:
>>> Hello:
>>> I have been trying to get Subclipse working on OS X. I've grabbed
>>> the sources and am attempting to build the software for Eclipse M8
>>> against the current Subversion.
>>> Are you actively working on this now? If so, I can just wait.
>>> A few questions:
>>> 1. Have you actually tried building this against M8? There seem to
>>> be numerous errors due to (likely) deprecated or non-existent
>>> methods in 3.0.
>> I don't work on eclipse M8 myself but McClain Looney does.
>> If you want to compile the sources, note that the sources you need
>> are at http://svn.collab.net/repos/subclipse/branches/subclipse-m8/
>> (the trunk is for 2.1.* versions for now).
>>> 2. Which module must one go into in order to build a new version of
>>> svnjavahl.jar that works with the current version of subclipse.
>> svnjavahl.jar is probably not a real problem. But you will need to
>> compile svnjavahl.so if McClain did not. It is included in the
>> subversion sources.
>>> 3. It seems like the build.xml file needs to be generalized to
>>> eliminate dependencies on a particular version of Eclipse being
>>> present. I've already made some progress on this. Is there a chance
>>> to help?
>> Which build.xml ? If it is the build.xml for core or ui, note that it
>> is automatically generated from the plugin.xml
>>> George
>> Cédric
Received on Mon May 24 11:25:15 2004

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