Two more questions.
I have updated my wc to these 1.5 dependencies:
svnkit from the latest subclipse release, it is SVN/1.5.0
SVNKit/1.2.0-beta4 ( r4583
svnjavahl from svnClientAdapter's trunk/lib r3861
svnClientAdapter built from trunk
Are these dependencies ok? It seemed strange to build svnClientAdapter
instead of grab it from somewhere, but I didn't know where to get it
The second issue is that not all the tests passed. Is it acceptable to
commit against the svnant trunk even though not all the tests pass, as
long as they aren't originating or properly fixable from svnant?
Here is a summary of the issues by client type:
Command Line (collabnet binary 1.5 release) tests all pass
SvnJavaHLTest Tests run: 50, Failures: 1, Errors: 1
testProp fails:
Propset munges input file, propget works fine. Reproducable in
subclipse also with javaHL as the backing library. Turns a 170 byte
gif into a 275 byte (thrashed) gif. Specifically expands the null byte
into two other boundary bytes among other things.
testInfo errors:
File info request based on url produces NPE in JhlInfo2, patch in
svnClientAdapter waiting should fix it, see
SvnSvnKitTest Tests run: 50, Failures: 2, Errors: 1
testSvnExists fails:
I traced it to past AbstractJhlClientAdapter getInfo(File f) in
svnClientAdapter. The request produces the correct
revision but the secondary info2 produces rev:-1 and so incorrectly
produces a "not version controlled" for svnExists. A manual command
line test in this same working copy produces the correct revision.
testConflictedSelector fails:
I traced this to JhlStatus.getConflictWorking in svnClientAdapter, it
appears that svnkit is returning empty string for a "there is no
conflicted working file" response instead of null. JhlStatus checks
for nullity, and decides to return the parent of the file. The parent
of the file is then not null, which means the conflicted selector
selects everything.
testInfo errors: see above
- Joshua
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