[Subclipse-dev] Fwd: Subclipse plugin development
From: Luiz Rolim <luizhenrique.rolim_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 22:43:41 -0300
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First of all i´d like to apologize about possible english mistakes which i
I am a just-graduated student from Brasil working at an internet-driven
We work in a small team (6 members) which allow us to use XP as our
Based on that, I am developping a plugin for eclipse, which i´m callign
The main issues which i´m addressing, in more depth :
- Only run the correct tests . For that i´ve developed a mechanism which
-Display the results in a unified report. Here some tests are Junit-Written
So i intend to give the users a simple view of the passing/failing tests.
Currently i´m on the way to release the 1.0 version, and i´d like to know if
Besides, It´s the first open-source project that im´m willing to contribute
Hope some good soul can clear my mind.
Thanks in advance.
plz, reply me at luizhenrique.rolim_at_gmail.com
-- Luiz Henrique Martins Lins Rolim Engenheiro de Computação Locaweb. -- Luiz Henrique Martins Lins Rolim Engenheiro de Computação Locaweb.Received on 2008-06-22 03:58:03 CEST |
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