I want to get a Subclipse 1.2.1 release out soon, and Eugene Kuleshov
has also asked me to get one out. Eclipse 3.3 M7 is coming out at the
end of the week among other things.
Anyway a feature I really wanted to get committed first is to allow
Synch view change sets to show up in the Incoming/Outgoing mode of the
view. Brock worked up a patch for this that mostly works. I have
attached it. When I test this, I ran into a small problem and Brock
does not have the time at the moment to fix it. Could someone review
this patch and make the additional fix so we can commit and do the
Here are the comments I sent to Brock when I reviewed the patch:
I found one little problem. This recipe will recreate it but there
might be other ways.
Make a couple of changes, due a Sync and add the files to an outgoing
change set. Not close Eclipse and restart.
The Sync view repopulates the outgoing changes automatically. If you
switch to "Both" mode and select to see ChangeSets you get a null
exception. It is trying to create an SVNCheckedInChangeSet object.
Adding a null check would be easy, but I was not 100% sure why the add
method only creates objects of that type anyway, so I figure you
should look.
You also had two lines of code with unread variables.
This is the stacktrace for the error:
at java.util.Calendar.setTime(Unknown Source) at
java.text.SimpleDateFormat.format(Unknown Source) at
java.text.SimpleDateFormat.format(Unknown Source) at
java.text.DateFormat.format(Unknown Source) at
at org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.ui.subscriber.SVNChangeSetCollector$SVNCheckedInChangeSet.<init>(SVNChangeSetCollector.java:58)
at org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.ui.subscriber.SVNChangeSetCollector.add(SVNChangeSetCollector.java:220)
at org.eclipse.team.internal.ui.synchronize.SyncInfoSetChangeSetCollector.reset(SyncInfoSetChangeSetCollector.java:165)
at org.eclipse.team.internal.ui.synchronize.ChangeSetModelProvider.buildModelObjects(ChangeSetModelProvider.java:196)
at org.eclipse.team.internal.ui.synchronize.AbstractSynchronizeModelProvider.reset(AbstractSynchronizeModelProvider.java:320)
at org.eclipse.team.internal.ui.synchronize.SynchronizeModelUpdateHandler.processEvent(SynchronizeModelUpdateHandler.java:253)
at org.eclipse.team.internal.core.BackgroundEventHandler.processEvents(BackgroundEventHandler.java:329)
at org.eclipse.team.internal.core.BackgroundEventHandler$1.run(BackgroundEventHandler.java:173)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:58)
Mark Phippard
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- application/octet-stream attachment: ui.patch
Received on Mon Apr 30 22:30:01 2007