Eugene Kuleshov <> wrote on 08/24/2006 12:09:45 PM:
> Mark, Brock, Mik, folks at Polarion,
> Can you please comment to this this issue?
> [History] Provide extension point to contribute custom decorator for
> commants in CVS History
> What are your toughs about this?
> If Team folks won't do this, the only option I see is to put this
> extension in Mylar and somehow make it used by Subclipse and other team
> providers.
> But that won't resolve this for the CVS provider.
I had hoped to make a similar proposal once our project is part of
Eclipse. I want to propose that Team provide a general issue tracker
extension point. This would work a lot like our existing bugtraq:
properties to the end user. Basically the extension point would allow you
to associate an issue tracker plugin with a project. This would allow the
issue tracker to include an issue # field on the commit dialog, including
prompting and validating against valid values. It would also allow the
issue tracker to decorate the comments in the history view and turn things
into hyperlinks.
We could then just make a provider that worked based on those bugtraq:
properties for backwards compatability.
My company creates a custom version of Subclipse, where this is the only
feature we provide. We have hacked Subclipse to have an extension point
like this and it lets us integrate our Eclipse-based issue tracker without
the user having to configure anyway. The main reason, however, is that we
wanted the prompting and validating support for issues on the commit
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Received on Thu Aug 24 18:45:06 2006