I am begging you, please don't use block borders for groups of one
element. In this case all 3 groups actually belong to the same thing,
there is nothing to separate and the sash probably should at the top
edge of table or bottom edge of comment area.
Those labels probably can be eliminated (see commit wizard in CVS
provider). Also please watch that all widgets are aligned to the same
edges (especially on the left and right side of the dialog).
Jörg Eichhorn wrote:
> It would also be nice to make it clear that the comment and resources
> list are separate. This could help the user to find the movable separator.
> In the attached screenshot i used the custom the SashFrom implementation
> from http://www.novocode.com/swt/LiveSashForm.java .
> This allows to set shadows in the child controls.
> The only difference to the patch in my previous mail is the usage of the
> LiveSashForm instead of the normal SashForm plus:
> sashForm.setChildBorder(cTop, SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN);
> sashForm.setChildBorder(cBottom, SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN);
> after adding the controls.
> This LiveSashForm is licensed under EPL 1.0 - so i think it is usable
> within Subclipse.
> Br,
> Jörg
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Received on Sun Jan 22 04:31:22 2006