Hello Mark,
>Peg revisions in svn log
This is already supported in JavaSVN internal API, so I could provide log
method with additional parameter in SVNClientImpl.
>Network statistics
Currently JavaSVN could report amount of bytes sent over network (but it
doesn't take in account data compression or crypto overhead). There is no
way to get "total" amount for the whole operation so far, but it works for
any of supported protocol, not only for http. Current implementation could
report amount of bytes sent or received for each 1024 bytes of the data
If you'd like I could add "extended" API methods to JavaSVN's version of
SVNClient next week. Please let me know what is your idea of progress API? I
think there could be additional interface that extends Notify2 with the
"progress" method:
public void progress(long bytesSent, long totalBytesToSend, long
bytesReceived, long totalBytesToReceive);
"total" values will be always set to -1 for now, and sent/received counters
could be zeroed at the beginning of each SVNClient operation.
Alexander Kitaev,
TMate Software,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Phippard [mailto:markp@softlanding.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 20:23
> To: dev@subversion.tigris.org; dev@subclipse.tigris.org
> Subject: [Subclipse-dev] JavaHL API Wishlist
> I added a page to the Subclipse web site/repository where we
> (Subclipse) can record enhancements we would like to see made
> available in JavaHL. The hope being that a Subversion
> developer willing to spend some time in JavaHL will know the
> sort of things we need.
> http://subclipse.tigris.org/javahl.html
> Thanks
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Received on Thu Nov 17 06:46:52 2005